
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ruby Dreamz is going to be at the Run for the Cure!

This year Ruby Dreamz will be at the run for the cure, well at least some of my tu-tu's will be there  :)

I was contacted by a really nice lady looking for 4 tu-tu's for herself and her team, We agreed on a price and I gave them one for free :)

I'm happy to support this cause. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Snack Sacks :)

These are perfect for doing your part in cutting down on waste, These are reusable , washable, trendy, cool snack sacks,

The lining is Nylon and the shiny side is facing away from your childs food.

Wash in with your dishes and hang to dry. They will usually dry overnight, I don't recommend putting them in the washer and dryer, the velcro likely won't stand up to that for very long.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dreamers :)

A friend asked me to make her a mini rag quilt :)  I wasn't really loving the idea until I put it together and this is what I came up with,. I added a ribbon and a link so that the dreamer can be kept closely attatched to the stroller ect.

 This little wonder is the perfect comfy cuddly blanket for any baby toddler, I also decided to make a one square dreamer so it can easliy be tucked into your Little Ones hand or pocket :)


Receiving Blankets $25.00

Dreamerz $25.00

Rag Quilts $60.00

Tie Blankets $40.00

Snack Sacks $5.00